Want help naming your car? You’ve come to the right place 

Hi. I’m Joel, the world’s first Car-Naming Consultant.

I can help you pick a name for your car that just feels right.

Why use a car-naming consultant?

Over one in three Brits give their car a name or nickname, according to a recent poll by the car loan app Carmoola. 

And over one in four motorists, found Carmoola’s poll, say that it could be helpful to get the input of a naming expert or consultant if unsure what name to pick. Makes sense. It’s a big decision. 

Well, I’m an expert. I know about naming. I do it for a living. People pay me good money. And I know about cars. 

Why hire me?

I’ve come up with names for  everything from new businesses to online games, apps for global corporations, and new products like Ideas On Acid. My ‘Naming, done right’ series on LinkedIn is viewed by thousands of professionals each week. I’ve even consulted friends on baby names.

I’ve also worked with motoring brands like Bentley and JCT600. I’ve watched cars being made to order at Bentley HQ in Crewe, with upholstery stitching matching the owner’s favourite lipstick. I’ve researched people’s most vivid in-car memories for JCT600. I understand the place cars have in people’s lives.

In America, they already have baby-naming consultants (which makes sense when research shows that 10% of mothers wish they’d chosen a different name for their kid.) Why shouldn’t there be car-naming consultants too? No reason! And I’m the first.

Carmoola has even asked me to come up with seven expert tips on how to name your car

Why name your car?

Naming your car makes it more than just transport. It makes it a companion; a friend; part of the family; a character in the story of your life.

Creating this kind of bond with your car might even lead to:

  • Driving more carefully (good for you, your passengers, and other road users)
  • Maintaining your car more attentively (good for your car and your bank balance)
  • Keeping the car for longer (good for the planet)

Book a car-naming session

What happens? I’ll send you a questionnaire to complete. Then we’ll have a 15-minute phone call where I learn more about you and your car. Then I’ll come back to you within 48 hours with three name options.

How much does it cost? £100

How do I book it? Just fill in this form and I’ll get back to you within one working day.